Song of the Season: The Perfect Christmas

daniela-andrade-4Daniela Andrade is a head scratcher like few contemporary artists. A twenty-something millennial with a voice that is simultaneously angelic and full-bodied, a citizen of Canada who splits her time between Montreal and Toronto, and an artist who mixes in a handful of truly great originals with a number of just stunning, if not jaw dropping covers, you’d think she’d be something of a (oxymoron alert) coffee house superstar.

But, except for one very important world, singer/songwriter Daniela Andrade – at least as of this writing – remains virtually unknown to the public at large, especially in the U.S.

daniela-andrade-2The world that she rules, however, is not an insignificant one. In three years, Ms. Andrade has become one of YouTube’s most viewed artists ever – and its true breakout star. Her unique and deeply personal take on both Gnarls Barkley’s Crazy and Radiohead’s Creep, for example, have combined to earn the young singer just shy of 20 million views (and counting) to date.

As an artist, my friends, 20 million – regardless of the medium, regardless of the measuring stick – is a staggering number.

daniela-andrade-3My personal Daniela Andrade guilty pleasure is the young lady’s 6-song Christmas EP, which she released in 2015. Titled simply The Christmas EP, the virtual disc has any number of great holiday tunes, both originals and covers. And the one I’ve chosen to share with you on this frigid December morning is one of the two originals, a song that like so many of Ms. Andrade’s Christmas songs – and, I suppose, much like the season itself – can make the listener feel both lighthearted and melancholy, and often at the same time.

Please enjoy today’s Song of the Season from my personal bin of lost holiday hits and ones that, alas, never were; Daniela Andrade’s The Perfect Christmas.

About M.C.

M.C. Antil is a Chicago-based writer, baseball junkie and self-styled pop culture omnivore who has fed his addictions over the years by successfully holding down a series of day jobs, most notably as a communications and marketing strategist in the competitive and often hyperkinetic worlds of television, new media and professional sports.
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